Perfect glide
Pure polished PTFE material gives your gaming mouse an unrivaled level of glide.
Precision and control
The use of Teflon feet provides full control over the movement of the mouse on the working surface. Both with sweeping movements and with minimal mouse movement. It is now easier to achieve maximum cursor precision.
Finished edge
All skates are finished on the outer edge. The absence of sharp corners ensures smooth mouse movement and reduces the necessary lapping time at the beginning of use.
High quality materials
Only 100% pure PTFE material is used in the production of glides. As well as specially selected glue, which ensures reliable fixation of glides, and no residue removal.
High resource
The thickness of the material is selected individually for each mouse model in such a way as to provide the maximum resource of use, without violating the usual lift-off distance of the sensor.
How to choose skates for your Logitech G Pro Wireless mouse.
The Logitech G Pro Wireless is literally a revolutionary gaming mouse. Introduced in the second half of 2018, the model became, not just in words, but in fact, the first wireless gaming controller to be widely used in the esports scene.
A combination of several factors made this possible. Chief among them is the really fast and responsive Lightspeed wireless, delivering a 1ms response time. Another important aspect is the HERO optical sensor with a resolution of up to 16K DPI, which doesn’t allow stalling even with the sharpest movements. And, finally, the developers managed, despite the level of functionality of the device, to achieve a weight of only 80 g – an excellent result for a wireless device of this class.
Owners of G Pro Wireless are trying to take good care of it. This is facilitated by the considerable price of the device, and the status of the main “weapon” for any gamer obliges you to do so. Despite this, the average load on this mouse is several times higher than the use of any average office mouse. Indeed, with such an arsenal, everyone is so eager to fight!
One of the most “loaded” elements of the manipulator is the mouse feet located on the lower plane. Their main task is to provide the minimum coefficient of friction and the maximum level of control over movement. But the properties of the material from which the skatez are made are such that with intensive use they gradually wear off, losing their original properties.
FeetGlide teflon mouse feet for Logitech G Pro Wireless meets all the criteria. Made of 100% PTFE material, with an increased profile for a longer service life, and also come with two sets in one package. Get the spare FeetGlide skates and keep your G Pro Wireless in top shape!
Check and compare the size and shape of your mouse feet with with one of FeetGlide. Make sure is it identical.

Remove the old mouse feet. Remove any remaining adhesive on the surface.

Degrease the surface with the supplied wipe. Then dry the surface.

Carefully remove the elements from the backing paper. Do not touch the adhesive layer.

Place the new mouse feet sequentially to the right place. Press the mouse on a flat surface for about 30 seconds.

Done! Enjoy superb glide of your mouse.


If I haven’t found any skates for my mouse model?
There is a huge assortment of gaming mice on the market now. Some of them don’t find a large number of consumers, while others are sold in millions of copies. We closely follow the development of the market and the updating of the model lines of the leading manufacturers. Nevertheless, it’s very difficult to keep up with everything. If you haven’t found any glides for your mouse in our catalog – don’t be discouraged. Just write us a request for feedback. We’ll definitely consider your request and, most likely, we’ll expand our assortment with the mouse feet you need.
Will the lift-off distance of the mouse be violated when changing glides?
The thickness of the FeetGlide is designed separately for each mouse model. In most cases it’s slightly larger than the factory feet with which the mice are originally sold. But this difference is in tenths of a millimeter and will not affect the lift-off distance of the mouse. But this has a positive effect on increasing the resource of the skates.
In addition, most actual gaming mice have an adjustable lift-off distance.
Is there some kind of film on the working side of the glides?
Not. there is no transparent film on the working side of the mouse feet. Only the back, adhesive side of the glides is covered with a paper layer.
Is it possible to glue glides incorrectly and what to do about it?
When installing the glides, you may miss the mark and not ideally fall into the contour of the corresponding groove. No problem. If you immediately pay attention to this, then you can immediately correct the situation. The glue used on the back of the skates takes some time to fix. And if you immediately correct the position of the glide to the correct one, then no problems will arise.
Why are the glides in white only?
The color of the legs is determined by the natural color of the PTFE (polytetrafluoroethylene) material from which it is made. We use only 100% pure PTFE material in production, as it has the lowest coefficient of friction, and therefore the best sliding. Any additives, including paint, impair these properties.
How long do FeetGlide mouse feet wear out?
Teflon mouse feet are consumable items. When used it gradually wears off, such are the properties of the material. We cannot answer how quickly the glides will be erased in your case, since it depends on a number of points: the type of surface used, the individual characteristics of using the mouse, the intensity of use.
In any case you’ll always find two sets of glides inside the FeetGlide package.
Павел –
Получил эти глайды примерно месяц назад и сейчас уже могу оценить их качество. Во-первых, стали как родные, тут не возникло проблем – зачистил хорошо клей от старых и с первого раза поставил новые. Во-вторых, они более скользкие, т.е на моем ковре для контроля мышка стала перемещаться быстрей, пришлось немного привыкнуть. В-третьих, с сенсором проблем не возникло, они плюс минус одинаковые по толщине с оригиналом, так что тут все ок.
Как итог – учитывая, что в комплекте 2 набора глайдов и оригиналы мне послужили верой и правдой почти 2 года то скорей мышка уйдет на покой чем я сотру эти глайды 🙂
Igor –
Они отлично подошли к G pro Wireless! Скольжение намного более плавное, чем на стандартных ножках, и если вам нравятся более быстрые скользящие ножки для мыши то это отличный вариант. Ну и в комплекте есть запасные, главное их не потерять через время.
Сергей Новиков –
Скейты отличные, мышка стала лучше скользить по коврику. Доставили за 3 дня, в комплекте все было.
Богдан (verified owner) –
Замовив ці ніжки, так як вирішив оновити їх разом з килим для миші (старий вже дуже заповільнював мишу навіть помитий)
Килим ще не прийшов, а ніжки вже встановив. Дуже приємно вражений, ніжки високою якості, миша ковзає навіть на старому килимі дуже добре, нема відчуття «загальмованості» миші, спиртова серветочка в упаковці просто chef’s kiss, витерла все після старих ніжок ідеально
Дуже задоволений 10/10